Trees with Heart is a charitable collaboration with Treebute and The Baur Family selling beautiful Eastern Redbud trees and installing in residential yards.
what’s included?
Treebute handles everything start-to-finish, including your ‘Trees with Heart’ delivery and professional installation
where do proceeds go?
Sale proceeds benefit The Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation and the SADS Foundation.
why eastern redbud?
Their foliage is heart-shaped – a perfect reminder to pay attention to your own heart health and unites with Treebute’s mission of honoring or remembering a loved one with a heart condition.
Available Eastern Redbuds

Still want to help without getting a tree?
Our Partnerships

Few organizations have more heart than the St. Louis-based Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation, whose mission is to address the unmet needs of heart families while transforming the future of pediatric heart care. OHHF wraps heart families in love, belonging, an empowerment as they navigate complex and stressful medical diagnosis and treatment.

The SADS Foundation advocates to save lives by raising awareness for cardiac arrythmia conditions, which are very serious if undiagnosed or left untreated. They provide important resources for Heart Families and the medical community.

Anna Scott Baur
At 18 years old Anna Scott, a competitive swimmer, was experiencing light-headedness. After an abnormal EKG and genetic testing, she was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome, an arrhythmic disorder that left untreated could cause sudden cardiac death.
Her story is one that has a positive ending though. She is now being treated with daily beta-blockers and should live a healthy, long life. Her family hopes that through “Trees with Heart” they can spread awareness of cardiac disorders that often get overlooked in children, while giving back to great organizations helping Heart Families.
SADS conditions occur because the electrical system of the heart is not working properly, so that the heart beats with an abnormal rhythm.
A hereditary condition passed down from parent to child. It’s estimated that over half of the 4,000 SADS deaths each year of children, teens, or young adults have one of the top two warning signs:
1) family history – of a SADS diagnosis or sudden unexplained death (usually undiagnosed and untreated) of a family member, or 2) fainting.
Each year in the U.S., approximately 210,000 Americans die suddenly and unexpectedly due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest (American Heart Association, 2017)
10-12% of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cases are due to Long QT Syndrome. LQTS is know known to be 3 times more common in the US than childhood leukemia 1 in 200,000 high school athletes in the U.S. will die suddenly, most without any prior symptoms (JAMA 1996: 276)
- Family history of unexpected, unexplained sudden death under age 40.
- Fainting or seizure during exercise, excitement, or startle.
- Consistent or unusual chest pain and/or shortness of breath during exercise.
- Acquired LQTS
- Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C)
- Brugada Syndrome
- Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT)
- Long QT Syndrome (LQTS)
- Short QT Syndrome (SQTS)
- Timothy Syndromes
- Wolff Parkinson White (WPW)
Frequently Asked Questions
‘Trees with Heart was formed summer 2022 with the mission to raise awareness about SADS, encourage talking to your health care provider about testing, and raise money for two heart charities: the OHHF and SADS Foundation.
Where are ‘Hearts for Hearts Treebute for SADS Awareness’ planted?
Treebute plants on personal property, most typically residential real estate yards or gardens.
What is Treebute?
Treebute is a local St. Louis start-up with a mission to make it easy and convenient to honor the ones we love with the gift of a long-lasting memorial tree planted on personal property. Check us out! www.treebute.com