Crowdfunding Campaign Memorial Tree Gift Made Easy
4 Steps to Starting a Treebute: Crowdfunding Campaign Memorial Tree Gift Made Easy
Step 1: Click ‘Campaigns’ across the top banner on Treebute.com – then click ‘Create your own Campaign’
Step 2: Fill out the form and click ‘Submit’.
Step 3: We’ll send you back a private URL link that you can share with family, friends, neighbors, club members, community groups – whomever! – via social media, email, or text message. This is where others will have the chance to easily contribute as a shared gift. Any denomination is accepted, so everyone can feel good about giving something special.
Step 4: The Treebute Team takes it from there!
Once the campaign is fully funded, we ship the Recipient a Care Package. Included in the Care Package is a letter notifying them of the gift and identifying each of the donors, a yard stake to mark the spot in their yard, a booklet explaining our process and the next steps, and a questionnaire for the recipient to complete so we know where to plant.
When the recipient is ready and has chosen a spot in their yard, we order a utility locate to ensure safe planting. Once we have the “all clear”, the full-service professional installation date gets scheduled.
Donors through the crowdfunding campaign receive occasional updates, including a photo of the tree after it has been planted. Following along on the Treebute’s journey creates a more rewarding gift-giving experience.
Treebute is the first service of its kind and creates long-lasting, living legacies on private residential property. As the creator of a new Treebute crowdfunding campaign, your only obligation is to complete the order form and share the private URL link with others – that’s it! Easy and convenient for both the gift givers and the gift recipients.
Our philosophy is that memorial trees are best enjoyed when seen regularly – a daily moment of remembering your loved one. We take pride in providing a reverent experience for our clients and look forward to doing the same for you!